Operation Right to Know
Past, Present and Future

"I Know of no better repository of the truth than with the people."

Thomas Jefferson

Initiated in the USA in 1992, Operation Right to Know (ORTK) is a public movement to bring about world wide recognition of the UFO Cover-up and to actively demonstrate against such a cover-up.

To Quote the US ORTK Handbook:-

(1) The promotion of an enhanced (and more serious) public inquiry and consideration of the UFO mystery and of the governmentÆs covert responses and activities related to UFO events.

(2) Encouraging the full disclosure of classified and/or covertly obtained UFO information, knowledge and analysis. In other words, ORTK seeks an end to the secrecy surrounding covert government operations as well as an end to the suppression of knowledge gained regarding UFO events.

And the following policies guide the efforts of ORTK:

(1) ORTK engages in political and public-outreach activities designed to actualise the goals listed above. Actions include demonstrations, rallies, marches, citizen lobbying of Congress, the development of press relations, and a wide variety of possible public education projects.

(2) All ORTK activities will be legal and non-disruptive to the public order.

(3) ORTK public communications will be characterised by an informed, credible, responsible and effective representation of the issues related to UFOs and government UFO secrecy.

ORTK Britain began in November 1993, with the additional heading æThe Alien Acknowledgement CampaignÆ which was subsequently dropped in early 1995. This was to promote the developing international status of ORTK and to enhance ORTKÆs central protocol, freedom of information on military and government knowledge on UFO matters.

At the time of writing, October 1995, ORTK Britain has no formal structure It consists as an association of subscribers to a quarterly ORTK Britain newsletter and non-subscribers who are active supporters. Active support, i.e. taking part in public demonstrations and other actions, although this is not everyoneÆs æcup of teaÆ and ORTK Britain does not need all its supporters to be active in this way. ORTK Britain is endeavouring to promote a cohesive aim amongst UK UFO groups and investigators - freedom of information on UFO matters. You may not agree with our methods but we hope you will publicly agree with our aims!

If you want to support and/or work with ORTK Britain , please get in touch.

By John Holman (co-ordinator)

20 Newton Gardens, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1QF

Tel/fax 01765 602898 or E-mail John Holman direct.

"Some leaders in the UFO field feel that demonstrations are not only risky, but unnecessary. Following a path of executive investigation, they feel, should provide the undeniable evidence impossible to ignore; therefore, demonstrations and the like could only serve as a distraction from this more fruitful cause of action (so the thinking goes).

But in actuality, there has already been the accumulation (over nearly five decades) of solid evidence clearly suggesting the reality of UFO events and indicating the extraordinary nature of those events. Clearly there is enough of a credible foundation for active political and public efforts attempting to establish the UFO subject as an object for serious public discussion and advocating the exposure of official UFO secrets.

The bottom line is that UFOs and the governmentÆs overt and covert dealings with UFO events are a political matter affecting everyone."

ORTK USA Handbook